Insert title here ..... (September 11, 2023)

Highlights of the week!!! -we got to play basketball and volleyball as a district for p day and it was so fun!! Straight throwbacks to high-school when me and my friends would play those basically everyday after school haha - we got to help one of our members move some stuff into her storage units, it was epic! - Kristy has decided she wants to be baptized!! Her and Brenda are going to have their baptisms together haha it'll be hype! - met some amazing new friends this week! God really does put people in our path! -climbed a mountain -Jacori was so excited because his mom bought him a hard cover Bible, and book of mormon and surprised him with it at our lesson! It was so tender to see how excited he was! He wouldn't put them down and even brought them to church! What a legend!! - zone council this week was fun! We got some fun announcements for our zone conference this next transfer! I decided to share my favorite Daily Joy this week to celebrate President Nelson turning 99!!! True Undershepards D&C 6:34 "Therefore fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail." "The Good Shepard lovingly cares for all sheep of His fold and we are His true undershepards. Our friends and neighbors---feeding, tending, and nurturing them---- as the savior would have us do." Love yall, go out and serve someone today! God loves yall even more!! Love, Sis Jolley:) Quotes of the week: "How does it make you feel to know your comp is Mrs. Claus?" -spiker "Fix my leg." -spiker "Im addicted to social media like sis spiker." -brenda Pics πŸ“Έ 1. THE DISTRICT πŸ”₯ 2. In the car 3. KRISTY!!! 🫢🏼 4. JACORI THE GOAT 5. Greenville zone (minus the ZLs because they left before we got the pic 🫒)
